Dear founders! Over the past few days, we've received many questions about how the cards in the Mine section work. Our team has prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions. We hope that this information will make your game as profitable as possible.

What is the principle behind opening cards? What parameters does it depend on? Why do some users have more open cards than others?

Some cards may have additional conditions for opening, such as inviting friends, reaching a certain level, or unlocking other cards. All these conditions are specified in the card descriptions.

If one player has more cards unlocked than another, it means the first player has met more conditions. For example, if one player has three friends and another has thirty, the second player will have more cards unlocked.

Cards differ in the level of passive income and price, and your task is to find the most profitable ones. Your main goal when choosing cards is to spend as little as possible while earning as much as possible.

Cards should be opened based on the principle of maximizing passive income with minimal expenses. This means you should strive to spend less to earn more.

What is the difference between the cards in the "Technology," "Lifestyle," and "Business" sections? Do they differ in cost and the number of coins mined?

There is no significant difference between the cards from different sections. Different sections are created to make the game interesting for a wide range of users.

The principle for choosing cards is the same: aim to select those that bring more income and require fewer expenses.

Is there any difference in which section to upgrade: "Technology," "Lifestyle," or "Business"? Is it mathematically more advantageous to upgrade one section to the highest level, or is it better to develop all sections at once?

There are no differences. The principle is the same: maximize income and minimize expenses. You can choose any section, following this principle.

When will the airdrop happen, and which is more profitable: not buying cards and using previously accumulated game coins or buying cards and using the coins they mine to cash out during the airdrop?

The airdrop will only be available from the accumulated passive income (earn-per-hour balance). Your current game balance, which may have 5, 6, 7, 8, or more million coins, will not be considered for the airdrop. Your goal is to maximize your hourly passive income, as the airdrop will be based on that income at a certain rate. The rate will be determined closer to August 1st based on real data.

Will the cards continue to mine coins after the airdrop? If so, will we be able to take the mined coins and withdraw them as BULL TOKEN?

After the airdrop begins on September 1st, you will have a choice: you can withdraw BULL TOKEN to your wallet or continue accumulating passive income on the earn-per-hour balance. In the first case, you will immediately take your earnings and quickly start profiting from the pools, while in the second case, you can further increase your passive income and wait for the split listing on the exchange.

If you immediately withdraw the accumulated amount, you can receive significant rewards from the pools even with a small number of splits, as there will be fewer splits in the pool initially. Over time, the number of users and splits in the pool will increase, and the reward per split will decrease. However, if you withdraw tokens and reset your earn-per-hour, it will stop generating income since you will have spent it on tokens. The cards will remain expensive, and restoring passive income will be more challenging. You will need to start over by inviting friends, completing daily tasks, and actively participating in the process.

If you decide to continue accumulating your balance, you can increase your passive income in the game to higher levels to gain more benefits in the future. Additionally, with the listing on the exchange, you can gain additional benefits from the rate increase.

As you can see, each option has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to develop your strategy considering all factors and personal priorities.

Do I understand correctly that the airdrop will only be available from the earn-per-hour balance? Can I withdraw coins from the game balance? Please provide an example with calculations.

Only the amount in euros displayed as hourly income (earn-per-hour) will participate in the airdrop. For example, if you have 1,000,000 coins on your game balance and 20,000 coins per hour on the earn-per-hour balance (passive income), the airdrop will be credited based on the 20,000 coins you earn per hour. Your 1,000,000 coins on the game balance will not be considered for the airdrop, but you can use them to maximize your earn-per-hour balance.